Singhania IBDP
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School felicitates its luminous star, Upasana Nandi

Jul 25, 2022

"To become a champion requires a good mental attitude toward preparation." - Bruce Lee.

Upasana Nandi, a Sulonian of the ISC batch of 2021-22, in an unprecedented achievement, became the country and the state topper by securing 99.75% (499/500) in the ISC board examination.

While her accomplishment is doing the rounds in every nook and cranny of the country, Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, rejoicing in the magnanimous glory and renown brought by Upasana, commended her exemplary feat by felicitating her and her parents on 25 July 2022 as a celebratory gesture.

Mrs. Revathi Srinivasan, Director of Education and Principal, Smt Sulochanadevi Singhania School, on behalf of everyone at school, presented a bouquet of flowers to Upasana and her parents as a token of profound heartfelt appreciation. The Principal, in her address, recalled the amusing reaction Upasana gave when she was informed about her All India Rank. "Oh!How nice!", were the only words that came out of the mature and poised achiever. The auditorium burst out in laughter at the scene painted before them, baffled at the calm, composed and kind personality that Upasana portrayed. The Principal not only lauded the extraordinary efforts of Upasana that got her phenomenal triumph etched in history, but also used the occasion to convey her deepest thankfulness to the ISC faculty whose undaunted endeavours helped students attain such praiseworthy results. Upasana talked about her interest in pursuing research in the field of Biotechnology and said that it was a fuel that contained a mixture of support from the school and her parents and her interest in learning that acted as her driving force in the journey to the top. Her father expressed the immense pride that he felt in now being known by his daughter's name and gave a heartfelt thanks to all the opportunities and the resources the school had provided which acted as the stepping stones that led them to this moment.

The felicitation ceremony was attended by all the students currently studying in grade 12. It was to inspire and motivate them to follow in Upasana's footsteps. Upasana, a grounded student that she is, in her address to the current batch, shared with them her success recipe and told them to keep to the grind and have a steadfast belief in themselves. As the auditorium echoed with unending applause, Upasana and her parents cut a cake to celebrate this splendid success story.

  • Click Here to check the result of the online form filling for ISC (Std. XI).

    Congratulations to all our students, their parents and teachers of the school for the stupendous Board results that our students have brought home. Congratulations for their hard work, grit and determination that has made this possible.

    In the ICSE Board Examinations, 2024 – Kimaya Bauva has topped the school securing 99.80%. The Second Rank is jointly shared by Vibhav Bansal and Yashwardhan Patil with a score of 99.40%. There are 7 students who have scored 99.20% and are on Rank 3.

    In the ISC Board Examinations,2024 – Rehaan Singh of Humanities stream topped the school securing 99.75%. Shagun Goel of Science stream has stood Second with 99.25%. The Third Rank is jointly shared by Jiya Pahade of Humanities and Aaron Davis of Science stream with a score of 99.00%.

    We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of our students.
