Singhania IBDP
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ISMUN 2k22

Sep 29, 2022 - Oct 01, 2022

Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School organised the ISMUN 2K22. This 7th edition of International Singhania Mock United Nations took place over a period of 3 days, from 29th September to 1st October.

Delegates from ten committees-UNSC, UNGA, UNEGE, UNEP, AIPPM, CRIP, ECOSOC, CCC, DISEC, GCOSE-engaged in debates, discussions and most importantly-lots of fun!! The event truly stood out to its motto this time. Grit, Growth, Gravitas - the perfect picture of intrinsic, solution-driven debates that brought attention to the ground reality of global problems. Both the EBs of the committees along with the delegates went through a rigorous process of selection and interviews. The Rules of Procedure session, held on 24th September, provided the delegates with useful insights that helped them to research and prepare.

The first day of ISMUN gave the delegates a hard push for motivation after hearing the speeches of honourable guests, which was followed by a lobbying session, giving the delegates a chance to interact among themselves and build strategies. The first day of the actual conference was a nerve thrilling and intensive experience for all. Each committee dived into their respective debates to solve an equally pressing agenda. The Secretariat, Organising Committees and the Executive Boards had truly outdone themselves.

A wonderful initiative by the EBs ensured an equal proposition of first timers and experienced MUNners. This indeed, laid down platforms for exquisite debates and fruitful discussions. The second day of the conference was an icing on the cake as these young minds came together to solve global problems and draw practical solutions.

The grand event ended with an award ceremony in which the delegates who had engaged in extraordinary discussions were awarded. It was the team efforts of the backbone committees - Press, Logistics, Photography, Marketing, and CAMP that brought ISMUN back to its glory after the online event.

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    Congratulations to all our students, their parents and teachers of the school for the stupendous Board results that our students have brought home. Congratulations for their hard work, grit and determination that has made this possible.

    In the ICSE Board Examinations, 2024 – Kimaya Bauva has topped the school securing 99.80%. The Second Rank is jointly shared by Vibhav Bansal and Yashwardhan Patil with a score of 99.40%. There are 7 students who have scored 99.20% and are on Rank 3.

    In the ISC Board Examinations,2024 – Rehaan Singh of Humanities stream topped the school securing 99.75%. Shagun Goel of Science stream has stood Second with 99.25%. The Third Rank is jointly shared by Jiya Pahade of Humanities and Aaron Davis of Science stream with a score of 99.00%.

    We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of our students.
