Singhania IBDP
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The Investiture Ceremony - 2023

Jun 16, 2023

Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue - Buddha.

Friday 16th June was a beautiful morning when 79 young Sulonians from the Preparatory level to the Senior section, pledged to carry on the legacy of the Sulonian Senate with honesty and integrity at the investiture ceremony for the senate of the year 2023-24.

The Captains of the school, the Games Prefects, the Editors, the House Prefects and Assistants Prefects of the four houses Vindhiya, Himachal, Yamuna and Ganga and the Class Representatives were sworn in by the Director Education & Principal, Dr. Revathi Srinivasan.

The Principal was introduced to the new Captains, Aishwarya Iyer and Tanish Chedha by the outgoing captain, Priyanshu Hazra and Mihika Sawant .The two new Captains then introduced The Principal to their Senate.

The meticulously dressed senate marched smartly into the Malhar Hall, in perfect rhythm to the music of the School Band. The welcome speech was delivered by the Vice Captain, Sana Sonalkar followed by the speeches of the Captains, each promising to honour the dignity and integrity of the school. Principal’s speech was one full of encouragement and inspiration. She stressed upon the fact that one should not just inspire others but ensure that they rise up to their true potential.

Seeing their wards receive the medal of duty, many parents and grandparents were overwhelmed with emotion. It was a moment of great pride indeed.

The event ended with the vote of thanks delivered by the Vice Captain Atharva Marathe, who thanked all for their contributions, presence and their blessings.

The Investiture Ceremony marked the beginning, of the new academic year as well as of numerous opportunities for children to showcase their talents, intellect and creativity.

  • Click Here to check the result of the online form filling for ISC (Std. XI).

    Congratulations to all our students, their parents and teachers of the school for the stupendous Board results that our students have brought home. Congratulations for their hard work, grit and determination that has made this possible.

    In the ICSE Board Examinations, 2024 – Kimaya Bauva has topped the school securing 99.80%. The Second Rank is jointly shared by Vibhav Bansal and Yashwardhan Patil with a score of 99.40%. There are 7 students who have scored 99.20% and are on Rank 3.

    In the ISC Board Examinations,2024 – Rehaan Singh of Humanities stream topped the school securing 99.75%. Shagun Goel of Science stream has stood Second with 99.25%. The Third Rank is jointly shared by Jiya Pahade of Humanities and Aaron Davis of Science stream with a score of 99.00%.

    We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of our students.
