Singhania IBDP
  • Click Here to check the result of the online form filling for ISC (Std. XI).

National Reading Day!

Jun 21, 2024
The national reading day which is celebrated annually on 19th June was celebrated with enthusiasm at the junior library. To familiarise the students with available books and to inculcate a penchant for reading we at the junior library conducted a 'Reading session ' whereby students were asked about their favourite genre of books and respectively the books were handed out to the them. A book mark making activity was conducted for the class 5 students during library Period. Children also expressed their thoughts on the school library.
  • Click Here to check the result of the online form filling for ISC (Std. XI).

    Congratulations to all our students, their parents and teachers of the school for the stupendous Board results that our students have brought home. Congratulations for their hard work, grit and determination that has made this possible.

    In the ICSE Board Examinations, 2024 – Kimaya Bauva has topped the school securing 99.80%. The Second Rank is jointly shared by Vibhav Bansal and Yashwardhan Patil with a score of 99.40%. There are 7 students who have scored 99.20% and are on Rank 3.

    In the ISC Board Examinations,2024 – Rehaan Singh of Humanities stream topped the school securing 99.75%. Shagun Goel of Science stream has stood Second with 99.25%. The Third Rank is jointly shared by Jiya Pahade of Humanities and Aaron Davis of Science stream with a score of 99.00%.

    We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of our students.
