No Announcement
On the bright and beautiful morning of 19th April, 2024, the enlisted students of ISC Sulochanadevi Singhania School made way to the stage of Malhar Hall, one by one, with pride in their stride, radiance in their countenance and exuberance in their heart, to be instated in to the most coveted and esteemed community of the school- The Honour Society.
To become a member of the honour society, a student has to score GPA of 4 and above and this year the membership was awarded to a whooping 191 students.
The membership is a recognition of student’s academic excellence, extracurricular achievements, humanitarian facets, leadership qualities and their grit, stamina and perseverance.
Every time the name of the student was called, the Malhar Hall reverberated with thunderous claps. The most touching moment was when Director Education and Principal Dr. Revathi Srinivasan said that many of the parents sitting among the audience watching their ward proudly, were once students of the school and they had received the membership of Honour Society themselves with the same excitement and pride as their ward today. Such is the legacy of the school and such is its culture.
At the end of the function the new members of the honour society were seen leaving the hall holding their traditional reward, the yellow envelopes having Gift Voucher, with pride and happiness.