Artificial intelligence committee


“Stephen Hawking once claimed that “Al is likely the best or worst thing to happen to humanity”. But is this veiled threat a real cause for concern or just a matter of deliberation? AIC offers the best platform around to debate about all things artificial and intelligent.
Embrace the future with us as we delve into the transformative power of Al ranging from employment loss to cybernetic weapon systems. Join our committee to discuss the implications of Al on employment, find solutions to legal and ethical challenges, and empower workers in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Are you ready to join forces with the most eminent
representatives of the dynamic Al landscape to form the foundation of the future?
AIC – Empowering the Future.


Discussing the implementation of Artificial Intelligence technology on the employment of strategies to empower workers in face of the forth Industrial Revolution.



assistant DIRECTOR

He loves books, quizzes, debates and all sciencey things. Witty and imaginative, he’s obsessed with fiction novels and anything to do with technology and space. Always up to date with events and news in the scientific realm, his immense curiosity keeps pushing him to know more. An ardent perfectionist Divij finds it simply impossible to rest without addressing every last detail while also being determined and focused to leave no stones unturned. Of course, no one comes without flaws and for him it’d be being an annoying know-it-all, a comedian in poor taste and oh, the bad hair.



He is passionate about basketball, music and old-timey sitcoms. With an approachable demeanor and a determined spirit, Agastya is always ready to engage with others and make meaningful connections. Whether shooting hoops on the court, jamming to his favorite tunes or re-watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. He finds joy in the things that resonate with his heart.




Ritam Chattopadhyay


He’s a tech-savvy individual who knows how to enjoy life to the fullest. With an unquenchable thirst for exploration, he fearlessly embraces new horizons, effortlessly forging bonds with his magnetic charisma. Ritam is a delightful combination of technical skills and social charm, and wherever he goes, he leaves a memorable impact.